Life is Theater, Theater is Life – 5 | My First Opera Experience

Scene Analysis: Seeing Opera Locos

I enjoy watching performances in India and in London. One of the shows that my mother, Sherry (my sister-in-law) and I went to see is Opera Locos. This performance was one of the most enjoyable performances I have seen in London.

Opera is an art form that tells a story through music and singing. It was the first opera performance that I have seen. I am reading the guide below to learn more about opera.

The Beginner’s Guide to Opera

Opera Locos is a comedy that combines opera and other forms. The part I enjoyed most was how the singers got the audience involved.  One of the characters descends from the stage with a microphone.  He invited individuals to sing.  Then, he encouraged the whole audience to join in the singing.

1.Scene choreography

My mother, Sherry and I are at the Peacock Theater in London. We went to the theater by the Elizabeth Line from my brother’s house. We also went to a café after the show.  

Setting: theater, trains, café.  

2.Characters and role definitions

Role definitions:

In earlier posts, I focused on my role, but in a theater performance, there are many artists, and each person in a theater production has a role. In my previous post, I described the roles of all the characters. Similarly, I describe the roles of all the characters in this post.  

Sherry (my sister-in-law)

Sherry is very interested in watching a variety of shows. During every visit to London, I go to a few shows.

Sherry keeps looking at all the available shows. If there is something I might be interested in seeing, she asks me. If I am interested in a show, she books the tickets. Since I have two young nephews, we also have to decide who will go to the shows. Sherry, my mother and I went to see Opera Locos.

Aneesh (my brother) and My Nephews

Aneesh and my nephews came with me to Peacock theater near Aneesh’s office in London School of Economics. So Aneesh watched my nephews while we were at the show. After the show, we all went to have bubble tea.


I attended the show. After the show, I also wrote my blog post. I also read about operas and some reviews of Opera Locos to write this blog.


Sherry sent some photos. My mother created the picture for this blog.

3.Audio /script:

There are scripts for going on a train, eating at a café, and viewing a performance. First, we show the ticket to the usher. The usher shows us the seats. We then go to our seats. We put the mobile on vibrate and we settle down to see the show.

4.Focus of the scene – Rasanubhava (Enjoying watching performances), Somewhat excited because this was my first experience seeing an opera.

Opera Locos was one of the most enjoyable shows I have seen in London.  The way the performers engaged the audience was very interesting.  I clapped and sang along during these parts.  The costumes were colorful.  It was a very different experience than the Twelfth Night Shakespeare performance.

Parent Note

Ananth and I enjoyed watching Opera Locos and Twelfth Night. Participating in the series on Life is Theater, Theater is Life by Ananth has been an interesting experience.  I was reminded of the Playscript procedure writing that I used to teach my class many years ago.  The Playscript technique documents procedures in a way similar to the script for a play. Actors are listed in sequence along with the actions they must perform. This perspective of life as theater is helping Ananth navigate life.  .  We talk about his theater experiences and how he has to play his role and not think about others’ roles or about what has happened and what will come later.  When he starts thinking about various events, he reminds himself to stay focused on his role and be in the moment

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