My New Venture Using the FourEEEEs Method for Learning

I have been learning Bharatanatyam for over a decade, and for the past two years, I have been implementing the methodology of TAHD (Theatre Arts for Holistic Development) in my learning,

Each dance class is a new experience, where I learn stories, as well as the meaning of the song in an interactive way. One day Poorna akka suggested that I can pursue my Bharatanatyam Diploma under Tamil Nadu Dr J Jayalalithaa university, under which RASA is an off-campus center. I was excited to join the course as I love dance and theater.

In the Bharatanatyam syllabus, it is a necessity to learn many Sanskrit Slokas along with the meaning and hand gestures for the same. I decided to make it a 100-day project and implement the FourEEEEs method to learn it!  Read about my experience below!

Fun with Hastas: A 100-day Project for Practice and Enjoyment 

Exploration and Enjoyment

Hastas or hand gestures are an important part of Indian natya. While I have learned hastas for many years, I am now discovering fun ways to use these hastas in communication. In this post, I will describe my journey with my 100-day project. Artists can use 100-Day projects to organize their practice and community interactions. I will be creating and sharing videos every week during this 100-Day project.

In natya, we have four forms of abhinaya:

– Body language (Angika abhinaya)

– Speech (Vacika abhinaya)

– Attire and Props (Aharya abhinaya)

– Emotional expression (Satvika abhinaya)

Hastas or hand gestures are an important component of angika abhinaya. Hand gestures are used to communicate a variety of ideas. There are 28 single hand gestures, and 24 double hand gestures in Abhinaya Darpana. I have to learn slokas, meanings, and gestures for these 52 hastas for my diploma in Bharatanatyam exam.

Experience and Enjoyment

Combining Disciplined Practice and Fun

We need consistent and systematic practice daily to learn an art form well. Since hastas can be used to convey ideas, we can also have fun using these hastas in different ways. So, I am doing a 100 Days of Fun Hasta project to learn the hastas while exploring them for fun.

A Fun Moment

One of the hastas I practiced was the Bhramara hasta. My mother and I showed my nephew Ishaan how to use a Bhramara hasta to show a bee because he asks for the bee story daily. Then we showed him how to use the Ardhapathakah to show a cow’s horns. Ishaan enjoyed the gestures and wants to do them daily. Once, he did the Bhramara hasta with one hand and the Ardhapataka with the other hand and claimed he was a bee cow. Now, he wants to play bee-cow daily.


Expression and Enjoyment

Progress: Days 1-7

Three hastas that I practiced last week:

1. Ardhapataka Hasta

 My latest video is on Ardhapataka. Ardhapataka is used to show horns of the cow, a tower, and a saw. In my video, I demonstrated the hasta with a song, narrated a story, and recited a sloka from Abhinaya Darpana.

2. Bhramara Hasta

The Bhramara hasta is used to show the bees and birds. I recited a sloka from Abhinaya Darpana. I also sang part of the animal song about the bees living happily in Ramana thatha’s ashram.

3. Tripataka Hasta

This was my first video I recited a sloka from Abhinaya Darpana.

Enjoying the whole process

In the first video, I only recited the sloka. Then, I started including more elements such as stories. This combination of disciplined practice and fun exploration has made my 100-Day project both enriching and enjoyable. It allows me to engage deeply with the hastas while also sharing the joy of learning with my family and community.

Parent Note

The 100-Days of Fun with Hastas project is a systematic and consistent use of the FourEEEEs method  of TAHD – applied here in dance practice.  We are mindful of opportunities for family fun even as Ananth practices important skills.  Skills practice is often viewed as drills but we are using FourEEEEs to make skills practice the building blocks of fun.  I am also motivated to learn some hastas along with Ananth because I am able to use them to enrich storytelling for my grandson.  For example, I used to tell Ishaan a bee story.  Now, this story has become more enjoyable with Bhramara hasta combined with emotional expression.  I start with happy bees who get angry when they are disturbed.  Then, Ishaan wants to me to show sad bees, crying bees etc.  Ms. Usha Sankaran had coached Ananth when he was preparing for a couple of presentations.  I suggested that Ananth make practice videos for his hastas because it creates opportunities to practice presentation skills regularly.

One Response

  1. Dear Ananth, all the best for the 100 day project of fun with hastas. I am sure you will Enjoy. God bless.

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